
Anti-Graffiti Coating: How to Protect Your Signage

  • Date15 August 2015
  • Reading time 3 mins read

Graffiti and tagging on banners, hoarding and billboards is an unfortunate reality these days. When you install a banner you might want to think about taking precautionary steps to limit your risks of the costly effects of vandalism.

Graffiti vandals can strike anywhere at anytime, even in respectable areas where graffiti is rare. These pests use a wide variety of pens, spray cans and other implements, all of which can be used directly onto mesh or solid vinyl substrates. The cost of graffiti removal can quickly run into thousands of dollars, if possible at all. To remove the graffiti you need to use a solvent which will most likely remove the ink your banner is printed with.

What can you do to protect your signage?

Anti-graffiti coating is one way of protecting your signage investment. At Mesh Direct, we offer only the best graffiti protection provided by Adcoat Graphic Solutions. Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating is available in two variations which differ between levels of graffiti protection. Both are applied to signage after printing by a special liquid coating machine.

The anti-graffiti coating comes in both gloss and matt finishes. Not only does Adcoat Tuffcoat offer the ability to easily clean graffiti off printed banners but it creates an outstanding finish making images and text jump off the substrate.

Adcoat Tuffcoat graffiti coating makes graffiti removal quick and simple without damaging the inks. Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating adds a layer above the original ink, this layer is not impervious to graffiti but it does mean that your signage can be easily restored to its original glory. This is hugely effective in areas of high vandalism activity. Rather than reprinting the entire sign or sections of it, it can be simply cleaned. Over the course of some projects, this would run into the tens of thousands.

Features and Benefits of Anti-Graffiti Coating

  • Resists scuff marks, graffiti, gummy adhesive tapes and all stains
  • Easy to clean with water
  • UV protection
  • Weather resistant
  • Non-stick, slippery coating
  • Mildew and mould resistant
  • Durable
  • Non-sacrificial (does not lose its properties after cleaning)
  • 4 years of graffiti and fade free protection with a 60 micron coating.

Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating is not for everyone or every banner installation. The price of the initial application could double the price of your order but in areas where repeated vandal attacks are likely this is a small price to pay relative to replacement or repair costs. Decision makers will need to weigh up the risks of using Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating but in some cases it is not only desirable but it is virtually mandatory.

We strongly recommend using Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating to protect vinyl covered hoardings against graffiti, particularly when the hoarding is easily accessed and in an urban area. On large scale projects that will last 18 months plus there is a possibility that graffiti vandals will attack your expensive signs multiple times and then the cost of the coating seems relatively cheap compared to replacement costs.

To find out more about protecting your signage with Adcoat Tuffcoat, contact Mesh Direct – 1300 368 978 or visit www.meshdirect.com.au/get-a-quote/.

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