Case Studies

Case Study: Scentre Group

  • Date27 February 2017
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Mesh Direct was lucky enough to be approached by Scentre Group (the owner and operator of Westfield in Australia and New Zealand) to help them with their signage and mesh fencing needs.

Scentre Group has been around since 2014 and is the result of a merger between Westfield Retail Trust and Westfield Group’s Australian and New Zealand management business. It combined the retail real estate assets valued at 43.3 billion and shopping centre ownership interests of 30.8 billion.

The Scentre Group’s shopping centres are highly productive, with massive franchise value and attract an array of the world’s famous retail brands. The shopping centres are a dynamic and essential aspect of the economy, as well as the community’s social fabric.

Scentre came to Mesh Direct for assistance with shopping centre development signage for all over Australia. Every job with Scentre is large-scale, and involves collaborating with numerous people, and making sure that every detail is perfect.

Together with the professionals over at Scentre, the Mesh Direct team organised custom printed banners and signage for the large scale development and construction sites.

Mesh Direct provided the following premium products:

In addition to various mesh banner and signage products, we covered the developments over a range of different locations, including: Westfield Kotara, Westfield Hurstville, Westfield Miranda and Westfield Bondi Junction.

As usual, we provided the best in customer service, and fast turnaround times to meet Scentre’s tight deadlines. The products we delivered were, as always, of exceptional quality and durability.

We worked in partnership with Scentre Group to create a professional and uniform branded look across numerous different construction and development sites.

As a result, we’ve maintained a thriving relationship with Scentre Group for over two years.

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