
How to Combat the Difficulties of Using Building Wraps

  • Date25 July 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Building wraps may be new to the Australian commercial landscape, but can be spotted all across the European and North American skyline. These larger than life signage projects not only work to effectively cover unsightly construction work, but they can also be used as an art canvas to make your branding stand out from the rest! As with anything new and exciting, there are bound to be a few questions and some kinks in the road. Read on to see how you can deal with these issues head on and create a brilliant piece of outdoor advertising.

Non-conventional Project Size

Not all buildings are created equal. Your new project may not look like the last and your new site may seem complicated. Is a building wrap the right choice? Almost always, yes. Essentially, they are a large skin or wrap for the building that can wrap the entire building or partly cover it. Another option for your building wrap is scaffold banners, which consists of individual panels linked together to create the final wrap. There really are no limitations on your building wrap coverage options.

UV Deterioration

A big outdoor project equals massive exposure to the sun. Sun deterioration on building wraps can not only fade any printed messaging but lead to the degradation of any water resistant qualities. Using premium PVC coated banner mesh to create your wrap will ensure your print remains high quality and the banner suffers minimal sun damage.  

Installation Issues

Installing any large project is going to come with its own headaches. Building wraps have caught on globally because of how easy their set up can be. Talk to us at Mesh Direct about your project and we can use our experience across multiple wrap projects to make sure yours is perfect. We offer our own installation service so that you don’t have to worry about organising the installation of your building wrap.


Give our sales team a call on 1300 368 978 to bring your building wrap concept to reality.

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