
Printed Shade Cloth: Your Budget Friendly Solution

  • Date17 July 2017
  • Reading time 3 mins read

This post delves into the affordable and practical nature of Printed Shade Cloth at Mesh Direct.

When it comes to creating effective printed signage, most businesses have one thing in common: budgets. Unfortunately, budgets rule the majority of our business decisions, including what we’re able to print!

Luckily, Mesh Direct offers plenty of options for printed shade cloth and printed signage for those who need to be a little conservative with their purse strings.

About Shade Cloth

Printed shade cloth, otherwise known as ‘scrim’ is an affordable and useful option for small and large businesses alike. Most commonly used in the construction industry to cover temporary fencing around unsightly development sites, printed shade cloth has a number of benefits for just a fraction of the price of its more premium counterparts.

Our printed shade cloth is crafted from a permeable substrate, making it the ideal solution for your advertising and branding needs while on a budget. It’s built to withstand the harsh Australian weather as well, and allows large wind loads to flow through with ease.

We always we recommend that our clients make the most of the advertising opportunity that comes with any temporary fence covering by printing their business logo or details onto the printed shade cloth. The print reproduction is good quality, and makes for a welcome distraction and an impressive branding option when it comes to revamping your temporary or permanent fencing around a site.

As we’re all about budgets meeting practicality, and ensuring that our customers are always 100% satisfied, we offer numerous shade cloth options: unprinted, partially printed or fully printed shade cloth in lengths of 50 metre rolls.

Mesh Direct’s printed shade cloth is crafted from knitted monofilament polythene, making it durable and only has a stretch factor of around 2-3%. This ensures that your sign won’t droop over time after your installation. With a density of 70%, our shade cloth boasts a great print quality, that doesn’t lose the benefits of its substrate permeability and its wind load versatility.

This type of material is generally used in longer runs where there isn’t much room for wind forces to escape. This isn’t a problem as our printed shade cloth is well suited to windy areas.

Mesh Direct has a great logistics network and therefore can produce large orders of shade cloth and can usually guarantee the delivery of your banners within 10 days from the date of payment confirmation and/or artwork approval. All of our shade cloth banners, both printed and unprinted are only available in 50 metre rolls with a minimum order of 2 rolls.


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