
Safety First: Printing Safety Signage for Your Construction Site

  • Date29 August 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Clear and correct construction site safety signage is one of the most essential parts of any worksite. Not only is the wellbeing of your onsite workers paramount, but signage that isn’t displayed properly can cause you to be hit with a heavy penalty. At Mesh Direct, we know safety is a serious issue. That’s why we’re making it easier than ever to get signage that provides message clarity, complies with regulations for jobs of any size, and can be reused again and again. We break down the benefits of using our corflute signage for your construction site safety signage.

High Quality Ink

If your sign can’t be read clearly, then your sign is not doing its job. Corflute signage is a rigid, flat substrate that can be used on almost any structure so you don’t have to worry about finding a place for it to be seen. It’s not only lightweight and versatile, it’s also perfect for high quality printing. At Mesh Direct, we print on our corflute signage using the highest quality inks and substrates. That means your sign can deliver a clear message in any worksite situation.  


Corflute signage is designed to withstand the elements. That means that you can use them multiple times, indoors and outdoors, without needing another costly trip to the printers. Changing surfaces? Try adhesive tape, screws or cable ties – corflute can be fixed in place in a multitude of ways.

Budget Friendly

Corflute signage is reusable, versatile and can handle all sorts of weather, so the catch must be at the cash register, right? Not at all! In fact, when it comes to large orders, we offer great pricing and can create a range of sizes and shapes to suit the needs of your construction site. 


Give Mesh Direct a call today on 1300 368 978 to get more information about why corflute signage is the best safety option for your worksite.     


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