
New game-changer in town: Recyclable Banner Mesh

The construction industry has a lot to answer for when it comes to the environment. Unfortunately for a long time, there was no way around sending hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste to landfill each year. Mesh Direct has been working towards changing that. Enter our new Eco Banner Mesh, which is fully recyclable. … Continued

Is EcoBoard More Sustainable Than Corflute?

Here at Mesh Direct we’ve been doing a lot of work behind the scenes, creating more sustainable signage solutions for our clients. In an age where advertising is everchanging and messages are often fleeting, we know and appreciate the importance of signage that can be disposed of responsibly or better yet, recycled entirely. The signage … Continued

New: Sustainable Signage

After taking our first steps forward into becoming greener as a business, we would like to introduce our new sustainable signage materials. Both products are available to order now, you can either get a quote by clicking here or carry on reading to find out more. EcoBoard Ecoboard is our new biodegradable, organic and chemical-free … Continued