
The Importance of Site Safety Signage on Construction Sites

Construction sites account for a significant portion of workplace injuries, classifying construction as one of the most accident-prone sectors of the private industry. This comes as no surprise! Working on a construction site comes hand-in-hand with handling dangerous machinery and products, operating at heights, and being surrounded by lots of moving parts. Falls, struck-by-object, electrocution, … Continued

Sydney Build Expo. 2019: Competition winner

The show Sydney Build Expo. is one of Australia’s leading construction shows. It attracts around 15,000 attendees from the building and construction industry who come to enjoy over 150 different speakers, 250 or more exhibitors, entertainment and networking. This year, Mesh Direct was one of those 250 or so exhibitors at Sydney Build. Our team … Continued

Sydney Build Expo. 2019: Competition winner

The show Sydney Build Expo. is one of Australia’s leading construction shows. It attracts around 15,000 attendees from the building and construction industry who come to enjoy over 150 different speakers, 250 or more exhibitors, entertainment and networking. This year, Mesh Direct was one of those 250 or so exhibitors at Sydney Build. Our team … Continued