
3 Reasons You Should Be Utilising Outdoor Advertising

  • Date13 February 2020
  • Reading time 3 mins read

It might seem contrary, but in this era of digital trends, outdoor advertising is still a winner when it comes to generating revenue. 

How much time do you spend at home throughout the average working week? Breakfast, dinner, and bed? Most people spend less than one-third of the day at home, and given that one-third is spent sleeping, that leaves us with a substantial chunk of time during which we’re engaging with the outside world. 

Whether we’re walking, driving, having a coffee or staring wistfully out of the office window, we’re aware of our surroundings, and our attention is ready to be caught by something exceptional. 

Enter outdoor advertising! This age-old medium has remained relevant and up-to-date in the marketing world, keeping its place as a sure-fire way to reach a mass audience and build brand awareness. With smart design, careful placement and user-friendly information, your outdoor advertising campaign is your best friend when it comes to generating interest and revenue.


What is Outdoor Advertising?

Simplistically, outdoor advertising is any visual marketing that takes place out of the home. This includes billboards, advertising on cars and buses, transit marketing at bus shelters or train stations and, increasingly, experiential advertising. This up-and-coming phenomenon offers audiences the opportunity to engage and interact with a business or brand on a more personal level. Check out some cool examples here

Outdoor advertising has many advantages over TV and radio commercials, and its impact on your audience is stronger, longer-lasting and more likely to lead to action. If that’s not enough to convince you, here are just a few reasons you should be using outdoor advertising! 


Ads That Can’t be Moved

Unlike radio and TV commercials, outdoor advertising can’t be switched off or skipped, and viewers can’t merely change the channel. This means passers-by have to register it and engage with it, and the message, brand and visuals are more likely to settle into the subconscious. 

For this reason, it’s crucial for your outdoor campaign to generate positive associations, to make people smile, to make their day better as they sit in traffic or struggle down a highly-trafficked side-walk. 

Side-note: let’s be honest; no one listens to the radio or watches cable TV anymore. We’ve all got Spotify or Apple Music, Netflix, Sling or Hulu, and pay for the privilege of an ad-free experience. This is why exciting and humorous outdoor advertising is more relevant than ever! 


Mass Audience

Location, location, location: strategically placed in highly trafficked areas, your outdoor advertising will generate revenue as you sleep. Billboards on the side of busy roads, banners in transit centres, posters in densely trafficked pedestrian zones – these will reach a broader and larger audience than any other marketing scheme. With less audience fragmentation, your campaign can be bold and straightforward, designed to stand out and invite to action. 

People tend to feel positive about outdoor advertising that adds something to their environment, and they usually prefer buses with adverts rather than plain buses, or walls with murals rather than plain walls. Engaging with your audience through advertising that uses its environment intelligently and humorously, embellishing the community, is a great way to create a strong, positive relationship with the masses. 


Value for Money

To top it all off, outdoor advertising has a remarkably low CPM (cost per thousand) when compared to other marketing strategies. The returns on your investment make it well worth taking the time to design, Copywrite and location scout for an outdoor campaign!

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