
3 Things You Should Know About Shade Cloth

  • Date01 August 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Shade cloth is such a popular signage option for construction sites, where practicality meets cost efficiency. Also known as ‘scrim’, it has a variety of applications and as your signage experts, we share some key things you should know about shade cloth before you think about your other signage options.

Budget friendly

Are you tight on your budget but in need of signage? Scrim is the perfect solution as it will still print your branding in great quality. We offer numerous options: unprinted, partially printed or fully printed shade cloth in lengths of 50 metre rolls. These options will cater for any budget and give you the great signage you’re looking for. If you’re after plain shade cloth today, then check out our online shop.

Suitable for high wind areas

Is your development in a high wind zone? Well shade cloth is a permeable substrate that allows large wind loads to pass through the material with ease. This enables light and low risk loads on the structure it is attached to. Better yet, if you would like your shade cloth printed, then your advertising will still print in great quality for all to see!

Blocks out dust and construction scaffolding

Not only can shade cloth trap the dust from your construction site, depending on the density you choose it can hide the construction scaffolding fairly well. For OH&S reasons, scrim is great for protecting not only construction workers but also the general public from dust and debris by trapping it inside the material. An added bonus is with our printed scrim, clever and bold branding can detract the eye from the construction site behind for the duration of your project!


For all your signage needs, we’ve definitely got you covered. Speak to one of our signage experts on 1300 368 978 today to get more information.


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