
Building Wraps: The Grandest of Grand Format Printing

  • Date10 December 2015
  • Reading time 2 mins read

There is nothing more impressive than wrapping branded artwork around a building as a form of outdoor advertising. Whether applied for temporary installation, promoting a product or service, or launching an event, building wraps are capable of displaying a bold advertising message for all to see.

Building wraps or building skins are a relatively new form of advertising in Australia although they have been around for decades in Europe and the US. Buildings are enormous blank canvases that can be used to your advantage and are a great marketing tool.

Whatever the appearance of the facade, building wraps truly create a memorable if not a magnificent impression. Given the costs of other forms of out-of-home advertising which are far less permanent or memorable, building wraps are relatively inexpensive although incredibly impressive.

Depending on the intended usage, building wraps are usually made from banner mesh. After printing, the individual panels are joined together and produce the finished building wrap. Wraps are generally made from banner mesh due to the print quality needed, wind load and structure to which it is fixed to.

Building wraps are highly versatile and when used the construction media they deliver a purpose of minimising attention to the surrounding environment, concealing and disguising construction works.

Recently, Mesh Direct has the pleasure of wrapping the entire rear facade of the British Ambassador’s Residence in Canberra this month with a rendition of the building underneath creating outstanding result. For this particular project, the building wrap was required to minimise the visual impact of the scaffold during the renovation. Mesh Direct photographed, designed, printed and installed the full rear building wrap solution with exceptional results as you can see in the photos.

At Mesh Direct, we have the experience and in-house skills to make your concept come to life in the grandest of grand formats. Talk to us about your vision and we will work together with your creative team, or with ours, to create your building wrap masterpiece. We can handle everything from design of the building skin to installation and lighting. Call 1300 368 978 to speak to our sales team about your next project.

Visit our Building Wraps page for more information and technical specifications.

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