
Construction Safety Signage: Why It’s a Must-Have

  • Date15 November 2017
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Construction safety signage is an absolute must-have, which is something we delved into earlier this year in light of a number of accidents on development sites.

Here at Mesh Direct, we’re incredibly passionate about the safety protocols in the construction industry. We supply hundreds of businesses every year with the most durable, high quality construction safety signage in Australia.

But let’s drill down into why having this sort of signage is vital to any development or construction site…

1. Comply with government laws

Every state has their own laws that must be complied with when it comes to construction safety signage. You may be required to have a range of signs such as: hard hat areas, eye safety signs, crane safety signs, scaffold tags, and signs that are specific to the dangers and protocols of your particular job site.

You need to be familiar with the government laws of your state regarding which safety signage applies to your business and your development.

2. Protect your workers

Something you should be constantly concerning yourself with is the safety of your workers. You need to make sure they are taking every precaution to avoid injury.

Injured workers not only risk delaying your project, but can be potential cause for legal action and damaging the reputation of your business.

The last thing you want is for injury or death to occur on your site. When it comes to construction safety signage, you need to make sure that every law is followed to a T.

3. Protect your business

In a similiar vein, using the correct construction safety signage helps protect your brand, your development and the reputation on your business.

In an industry like construction or development, you need a stellar reputation to maintain client retention and win new contracts. By extension, adhering to government laws about safety signage on site helps contribute to your overall reputation for doing things right.

Workers, project managers and developers will all appreciate that construction safety signage isn’t something they have to worry about.


Here at Mesh Direct, we offer a range of high quality, affordable options for creating construction safety signage. Click here to learn about coflute, the most popular medium for safety signage.

Alternatively, give us a call on 1300 368 978 to discuss your options.

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