
How Does Advertising With Printed Banners Get Results For Your Company?

  • Date22 May 2017
  • Reading time 3 mins read

Here at Mesh Direct we get a lot of questions about the benefits of advertising with printed banners and the potential results they can garner for various companies.

The fact of the matter is that using printed banners and a diverse range of signage solutions across your festival, event or construction site can have a fantastic result for your brand recognition and in turn, your sales and revenue.

So what exactly are these benefits?

1. Provides brand recognition

First and foremost, printed banners and signage solutions provide you and your business with brand recognition. This means that your clients and potential clients will be exposed to your logo, your brand aesthetic and will start to form a connection with your company. People will become more aware of what your company does, and who’s behind it.

Of course, in order to benefit from brand recognition, you must have recognisable, professional branding. We understand that not every business owner is a designer or art department, which is why we do our best to provide guidance and services to help your visual branding reach its potential.

With more brand recognition comes more trust in your business, and therefore – more sales.

2. Can advertise a specific product

Printed banners do more than create great brand recognition, they also provide the opportunity to advertise specific products. Printed banners, particularly our own premium and standard banner mesh have fantastic print quality and resolution, which makes them ideal for advertising your products on.

A great example of this is the iconic ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry’s. This company used banner mesh around the popular Open Air Cinema in Bondi to advertise their brand and their new product range.

Creating awareness for a new product, or a classic favourite puts the product in the forefront of consumers’ minds and therefore increases the likelihood that they’ll purchase it – driving your sales upwards.

3. Hides unsightly construction sites

The nature of the construction business means that building sites are often a bit of an eyesore. Scaffolding, equipment and general untidiness often come as part of the deal, and they can detract from their surroundings. However, if you use printed banners around your perimeter fencing and scaffolding, you can breathe new life into these tired construction sites.

Enjoy the benefit of making your brand and your building site look good, while simultaneously advertising your products and/or services.

Want to know more about how advertising with printed banners works to your business’ advantage? Click here to get in touch.

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