
4 Ways to Transform Your Construction Scaffolding

  • Date31 October 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

At Mesh Direct, our passion is making sure your worksite stands apart from the competition. The current boom in the Australian construction and infrastructure industries means investing in all aspects of your company is key to staying ahead. Looking for a way to take your site to the next level? Here’s four.

Invest in Jump Form

Jump form signage allows you to advertise your brand during every stage of construction. As your project proceeds to grow, so will your opportunity for signage. Used best for grand format printing projects, your message is going to be clearly visible to more people than any ordinary scaffolding signage.   

Building Wrap

Is your business larger than life? Let people know with a grandiose building wrap. When it comes to a canvas, not many come bigger than a city skyline and great designers. We can make sure you make the most of this prime real estate with a high-quality print that can be seen by countless people.

Shade Cloth

Budget-friendly, wind friendly and visually appealing, our shade cloth is a great choice for your construction scaffolding. Shade cloth is hardly a new element in the construction world, but a quality print on a breathable mesh banner will make your worksite instantly appealing to the eye. On top of that, shade cloth will block dust and debris from blowing through your site and reduce any safety issues from occurring.

AdScaff™ Branded Containment Mesh

AdScaff™ containment mesh is the perfect alternative to traditional containment wraps on large construction and development sites, saving both time & money. It provides the strength of containment mesh along with the superb branding opportunities of banner mesh. On top of that, it is super lightweight, fast to install, UV tolerant & wind resistant. It truly is the creme de la creme.


Talk to us today on 1300 368 978 to find out how you can transform your worksite today. If you would like to keep up with the latest industry news & our current project, connect with us here. 

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