
Taylor AU

  • Date03 July 2020
  • Reading time 3 mins read


One of the most common forms of signage we produce for our construction clients is vinyl hoardings. The vinyl hoardings are incredibly durable and aesthetically appealing for concealing construction sites, enabling brands to create artwork that attracts the right attention. However, in the City of Sydney area, construction sites must seek approval from the City of Sydney and adhere to their guidelines for erecting a hoarding. We have extensive experience working within these guidelines, with our latest project for Taylor AU having to comply with the City of Sydney requirements.

Taylor AU is a leading construction and property development company in NSW. We have worked on a number of signage projects with Taylor AU this year and their latest construction project in the City of Sydney area required us to ensure that their signage met the requirements.

vinyl hoardings

About City of Sydney signage requirements

The City of Sydney has established a set of signage requirements that construction and development companies must adhere to. There are specific requirements for the design, installation and maintenance for the signage. The City of Sydney have also compiled select artworks from Australian artists that are part of Site Works that can be used for hoardings, which can be found here. The artworks aim to provide artists with the opportunity to showcase their artwork on a larger scale, and to transform construction hoardings into visually vibrant designs that conceal scaffolding.

Corflute and vinyl signage for Taylor AU

The signage project we did for Taylor AU was a unique construction hoarding. Due to the nature of the hoarding installation, we could not install vinyl on to the fascia of the hoarding. This is typically not allowed by the City of Sydney however, the hoarding proved too difficult to install vinyl, so corflute was approved. Our corflute is very versatile and can be custom printed with the highest quality inks, meaning that the City of Sydney artwork would be showcased in great quality. We were able to install our vinyl on the walkway hoarding, which is our highest quality print product. The artwork chosen for Taylor AU’s construction hoarding was the Sydney Opera House at Night by Emily Crockford. This artwork is suitable for all areas, including Type A site fences and Type B (fascia only) hoardings.

Taylor AU were pleased with their vinyl hoarding and corflute signage, which has produced a vibrant print result. If you would like more information about the City of Sydney hoarding guidelines, click here. Reach out to our team today on 1300 368 978 to discuss your signage options.


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