
Retail Signage: which product should you use?

  • Date04 April 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

When it comes to retail signage, your ideal objective is to stand out and get noticed when competing amongst the rest. Whether you’re looking for signage solutions for the construction of a retail centre or simply just for advertising, Mesh Direct has you covered.

Attract attention

We offer a range of signage that will be sure to garner attention. Our vinyl hoardings have a great print quality and are incredibly durable. They are perfect for use on a construction site or to tease the opening of a new retail precinct. Additionally, our aluminium composite panel signage is rustproof and the print quality offers a very vibrant colour upon completion. You’re advertising is sure to grab attention with any of these signage options.

Conceal your project

Our premium banner mesh is ideal for concealing a construction project. Incredibly durable and great UV protection are just some of the benefits of this signage option for construction projects so that you do not have to worry about it fading before your project is finished. Alternatively, our shade cloth or scrim is great for covering temporary fencing and is a budget-friendly option. It still has good print quality to ensure that your branding is visible.

Direct the crowd

Corflute signage is versatile and has endless potential for usage. It can be installed on any surface and has a high print quality so that your signage will stand out. Our graphic design team can assist with creative ideas for how to best direct a crowd to a retail centre using corflute.

Hot offer

Bright, bold and vibrant colours are essential for attracting the public to seek out a great deal at a retail centre. Our graphic design team have extensive experience in thinking outside the box and selecting the best signage option to help you leverage your marketing. Corflute is a budget-friendly and versatile option for advertising a special deal, as well as aluminium composite panel signage signage which will surely grab attention.


If you want assistance in leveraging your retail signage, call one of our consultants on 1300 368 978.


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