Out-of-home advertising remains one of the most effective and budget-friendly mediums of advertising. When it comes to engaging and informing your electorate, election signs are one of the most functional solutions out there.
Available on corflute or 100% recyclable & biodegradable eco boards, our election sign solutions create low-cost and high-quality signage. Perfect for a number of reasons and a broad range of uses, election signs act as free-standing and flexible advertising solutions.
Printed on corflute or EcoBoard, election signs have a high print reproduction which means that text, images and colours will be vibrant & clear. This is a pivotal benefit of election signs which are likely to be seen from a distance or from a moving vehicle.
With metal eyelets in every corner, election signs are convenient and simple to install or attach to fences, poles, walls, or hoardings.
Corflute is an extremely durable substrate, which means is it suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings. Built to withstand the elements, it is UV stabilised, protecting it from the sun, and fully waterproof, protecting it from the rain. What’s more, corflute is lightweight which makes it both easy to install and transport.
EcoBoard on the other hand is simply a paper-based display board providing an environmentally friendly alternative to corflute signage. Available in both coated and uncoated finishes, it is 100% recyclable and biodegradable. Overall, it is a great short-term material for signage solutions and projects.
Fully customisable to your requirements, in size, material thickness and artwork design. Create a bespoke sign that has the look and feel you envision.
Election signs are effective because they provide flexibility and allow you to engage with your target audience on a daily basis & in a familiar manner: commuting to work, on the way to the grocery store or school drop off. Even to less attentive community members, election signs will provide familiarity with your personal brand.
Perfect for indoor or outdoor use, election signs can be used for:
If the purpose is to catch attention, you want to make sure your sign does the work for you. Here are 3 simple things to think about that could put your sign head and shoulders above your competition.
Keep up to date with our signage offerings on our LinkedIn page here.
Browse our range of election signs here or contact a member of the Mesh Team on 1300 368 978.